Maddy in SPAIN
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- May 4, 2019
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Hello, I am Maddy and I am just completing a great year abroad in Valencia Spain with Study Abroad Campus Education. I wanted to spend a year abroad because I always went on vacations to other countries and I wanted to know what it would be like to actually live in a different country and completely emerge myself and learn about a different culture, and get outside of my bubble. At first when I came to Spain I was extremely homesick, school was difficult in a different language, especially presenting, and being in a whole new country was very intimidating,
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Meena – France White Xmas Experience
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- May 4, 2019
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I left last November to go to France. I was lucky enough to go on exchange to France on the 6 weeks White Christmas program. I went to a beautiful town called Bons-en-Chablais in East of France on the border of Switzerland in the Alps. (Photo: I am in the middle with my twin host sisters) My host family was extremely welcoming and I felt like a part of their family straight away. They were exceptionally inclusive, kind and welcoming and I developed a very close bond with my host sisters and I still keep in contact with them now.
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Ayva’s French Cultural Exchange
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- December 13, 2018
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Hi I am Ayva and I went to France for 3 months with CEA. If I was to sum up my time here in 1 sentence I would say that it was the hardest but most rewarding time of my life so far. I came here with only having learnt French for 2 years and that made it a little bit difficult at the start but now after three months I have improved so much and that’s really exciting. For me one of the coolest experiences relating to the language is when I’m spoken to in French and automatically reply
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Arthur – France
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- December 12, 2018
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Arthur de France - Ce voyage a été absolument incroyable Au départ, j'étais un peu angoissé d'aller en Australie parce que c'est un pays très loin de là où je vis et que je ne savais pas vraiment parler anglais. J'étais aussi un peu inquiet car je pensais qu'aller au lycée en Australie allait être ennuyant ( surtout que j'étais censé être en vacances d'été ). Mais ce voyage était absolument génial ! Et aller a l'école était la meilleure chose parce que j'ai eu l'opportunité de rencontrer de nombreuses personnes et de me faire beaucoup d'amis que je n'aurai
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Gatien – Mon séjour en Australie
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- December 12, 2018
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Gatien – Mon séjour en Australie Bonjour, je m’appelle Gatien et j’ai 15 ans, je viens de Lyon. J’ai pris la décision de passer un trimestre en Australie, en fin de seconde, dans le but de me perfectionner en anglais, de découvrir une nouvelle culture et de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. Study Abroad Campus Education Australia CEA se sont chargés de trouver pour moi un lycée qui correspondait aux souhaits que j’avais exprimés, ainsi qu’une famille d’accueil. Je suis arrivé à Sydney fin avril, au début du 2ème trimestre local. CEA a organisé mon transfert de l’aéroport à ma famille
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TIA’s French Immersion
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- December 12, 2018
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Going on exchange has always been a dream of mine and Study Aboard Campus made my dream a reality. My major concern about going on exchange was not knowing enough about the language or culture. But the truth is, you never will until you go. Once you arrive, you realise how much you are capable of. If you do not know how to communicate what you want to say, you manage to find a way. Sometimes it’s a fun game of charades. But as you spend more time, immersed in the language, you become more relaxed and comfortable speaking the
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Rachel USA
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- December 12, 2018
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Hi, I’m Rachel from the US! For the past 4 weeks, I have been staying with the most amazing host family and attending a wonderful school. In such a short amount of time, I have been to the Blue Mountains, Taronga Zoo, the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, and the Botanic Gardens. I went surfing at Dee Why beach, watched a footy game, went to Manly beach, and went to the shops in Chatswood with my host family and the friends I made at school. There is so much to see and do in Sydney, I wish I had more
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Caroline USA
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- December 11, 2018
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This experience of leaving home and coming to Sydney has been crazy, challenging, and the best thing I have done. Here is a timeline of my time here and some advice I have: Week 1: Arrival I got to Sydney on a Wednesday and didn’t start school until the following Tuesday, so I had six days to go sightseeing and explore. My host family introduced me to a family friend who goes to my school and is my age and the two of us and my host brother (who was two years younger) saw each other four times before school
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Amelia Canada
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- December 11, 2018
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Australia, what an experience! This trip has been once in a lifetime for me. I was blessed to have been a part of such an amazing program with Study Abroad Campus Education Australia and to have made so many friends from all over the world. When I first got to school, I was so nervous about meeting friends and if it would all be worth it. On my very first day, and I'm not kidding, I must've been approached by just about everybody in the grade. Australians are so incredibly kind and open, it was even a bit startling at
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Grace ITALY White Xmas Cultural Exchange
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- March 21, 2018
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Hi I’m Grace I went to ITALY on the 6 week White Xmas cultural exchange program with Study Abroad Campus Education and it was the best…. This 6 weeks of my life was so incredibly amazing that I can’t believe its over! I chose to go to Italy and was placed in Turin. My host family I stayed with were just perfect and traditional Italian family. I had a host sister 14 and host brother 16 and they were fabulous and we had lots of fun and I fit in perfectly and was a great match. My family were so
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Amelia FRANCE White Xmas Cultural Exchange
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- March 21, 2018
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At the end of last year, I traveled all the way to France on student exchange to the city La Rochelle, this 6-week trip was one of the best experiences of my life, I made so many new and amazing friends and memories that I will cherish forever and I would encourage anyone to go. My host family were very kind and welcoming and I couldn’t of asked for a better host family. One of the biggest highlights of my trip was going to school, even though the first day was scary it was worth it because I made so
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Cultural Exchange in Switzerland – Maeve from Australia
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- March 25, 2017
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Hi my name is Maeve and I went on CEA White Christmas cultural exchange to Switzerland for 6 weeks living in the town of Therwil, just outside the city of Basel in northern Switzerland. I first heard about going on cultural exchange when a friend of mine had told me about the cultural exchange program and how it is a great experience for young people like me. Campus Education Australia came to my school and told us about the White Christmas cultural exchange to a range of countries in Europe for 4-8 weeks over the school holidays. I was very
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Claire USA – When I first got off the plane, it was already so much more than I expected
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- December 26, 2016
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When the idea of studying abroad was first brought into my mind, it had to be when I was no older than six or seven; and it had never fully faded from my future plans. I always knew that going abroad was something that I wanted to do, and when I was finally given the chance by Campus Education Australia (CEA) I was more ecstatic than I ever had been about the idea. Of course, in the months and weeks leading up to my departure, I was nervous. I couldn’t imagine being away from my own home, let alone my
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Tommaso – Italy “ My experience in Australia”
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- December 25, 2016
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I’m Tommaso, a high school student from Italy, and I decided to come for six months over to Australia, in order to have a completely new experience and discover another culture as well as another country. I came to Australia in July , and attended the High School. As school is the environment in which I was going to spend most of time and where I could find most of my new friends, I was quite worried the first day. But as I walked in, I realized that the people were really friendly and there was nothing to be afraid
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Sofie Denmark
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- December 24, 2016
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Hi everyone – my name is Sofie and I am from Denmark. I’ve been living in Sydney Australia for the past 5/6 months and it has been one of the best experiences of my life! Leaving home can be really difficult but as soon as I landed and met my host family I felt safe. I have been so lucky with my host family and they have become my second family and a part of who I am. I have got a unique bond with both my host siblings and my host parents. They were very keen to show me
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Arianna – Italia Non voglio più tornare a casa!”
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- December 24, 2016
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“Non voglio più tornare a casa!” è la prima cosa che dirai appena ti accorgerai di star terminando la tua exchange experience. È la verità, è quello che senti, perché il posto dove hai passato mesi della tua vita, dove hai stretto nuove amicizie, dove hai imparato cose nuove e dove sei cresciuto diventa un po' la tua casa. Dopo quest'esperienza la tua casa non è più il tuo Paese d'origine. Il mondo diventa la tua casa. Hai viaggiato fin dall'altra parte del mondo, da solo, e sei riuscito a cavartela, da solo. Finchè non hai trovato delle persone che
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