CEA Scholarships for Study Abroad for 3, 5 & 10 month programs and White Xmas Abroad 4,6,8 week program
Eight (10) Scholarships are available each year to interested students. Two 2 scholarships will be offered for each program. To participate we ask you to write one page essay on any of the Topics below
Application Documents All applicants who wish to participate for a Scholarship are required to complete the online Pre Registration form including your administration fee to be considered for the scholarship program and its essential you tick the box “scholarship” on the online form Registration form
Subject topics
- Why do you wish to participate on our Study Aboard foreign cultural program ?
- Why do you think you will be a good Ambassador for your country ?
- Why did you Choose this country and what do you hope to achieve here?
- What experiences will you like to have during your stay abroad
- What value will you add to your host family and school when you arrive here?
- What are your personal goals for your time abroad ?
Deadline: Submit essay 3 months prior to the date you wish to join the program.
Award winners will receive *AUD $250 towards fees for either 4 or 6 week, 3, 5, 10 months programs
Eligibility: You can participate in any of the above
Length: Essays must be between 500 and 750 words, including 4 photos of self and family
Submission details:
To submit an essay, its essential that you have completed and lodged the Pre application form online. Email CEA that you have completed the online registration and attach your Essay to admin@campus.com.au with “CEA Scholarship Essay 4 -6 week, 3, 5, 10 month ” or the duration you wish to apply for in the subject header. Attach essay in Microsoft Word format with your details as below the body of the e-mail:
- Name
- Which program have you wish to participate on
- Month and year you with come
- Date of Birth
- Phone and Cell of both you and both parents
- Email and Facebook
- Suburb/Home Town and State – Country
- High School you are attending
- What year are you in at school
Essays will be judged on the author’s ability to clearly communicate and write a well formulated, creative and compelling story and photo glimpses of your life at home
All submissions must be received 3 months prior to arrival on the program. Study Abroad Campus Education Australia (CEA) will notify the winners 2 months prior to the start of the programs. Winners will be advised on the CEA facebook page. CEA and partner organizations reserve the right to use all essay contest entries and photos for our marketing purposes.
Apply Today